About Us
The Ojibwe Cultural Foundation was created to preserve and revitalize the language, culture, arts, spirituality, and traditions of the Anishinaabe People of the Mnidoo Mnising (Manitoulin Island) and surrounding areas. We dedicate ourselves to nurturing the expression of Anishinaabe culture in all forms, so our art, language, stories, songs, and teachings flourish now and remain strong for future generations

Located in M'Chigeeng First Nation the 11,000 sq.ft. facility is home to a Museum, Public Art Gallery, Gift Shop, language resources, healing lodge, and a performance amphitheater.

We welcome all who wish to experience the authentic expression of the Anishinaabe language, culture, and spirituality. Visitors can also see the timeless and beautiful heritage art forms of skilled Anishinaabek artisans including, porcupine quill boxes, ash and sweetgrass baskets, and antler carvings.
From ancient scrolls depicting the attainment of Anishinaabe spiritual knowledge, to the legacy of the Residential School System, the museum presents unique and culturally authentic interpretations of Anishininaabek history, cultural practices and beliefs.
Exhibits include many internationally recognized artists from Manitoulin Island and across northern Ontario. Traditional woodlands art styles, as well as contemporary indigenous art from established and emerging Anishinaabe artists who bring forth an exciting blend of traditional and modern art forms and mediums that eloquently express the evolving nature of the Anishinaabek artistic vision.

The original Ojibwe Cultural Foundation est. 1974.

Mii maanda yawing-Who We Are
Since its creation in 1974, the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation has empowered all Anishinaabek to strengthen our language and culture. We created much needed language resources for use in schools and homes. We work with our elders and wisdom keepers to make traditional customs and ceremonies a part of our daily lives. We nurture and help Anishinaabe visual artists share their unique vision with the world.
Mii maanpii yaa'ang- Where to Find us
Located in M'Chigeeng First Nation on beautiful Manitoulin Island
Waazhi Debzhiiyaang-Contact Us
15 Hwy 551, P.O. Box 278, M'Chigeeng ON P0P 1G0
Tel: (705) 377-4902
Email: info@ojibweculture.ca